Repro. Qlty-Effic. Sys. Tourn. on Co-designing Pareto-effic. Deep Learning, ReQuEST 2018

Title/Authors Title Research Artifacts
[?] A research artifact is any by-product of a research project that is not directly included in the published research paper. In Computer Science research this is often source code and data sets, but it could also be media, documentation, inputs to proof assistants, shell-scripts to run experiments, etc.

Real-Time Image Recognition Using Collaborative IoT Devices

Ramyad Hadidi, Jiashen Cao, Matthew Woodward, Michael S. Ryoo, Hyesoon Kim

Real-Time Image Recognition Using Collaborative IoT Devices

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Discussion Comments: 0
Verification: Authors have not verified information

Leveraging the VTA-TVM Hardware-Software Stack for FPGA Acceleration of 8-bit ResNet-18 Inference

Thierry Moreau, Tianqi Chen, Luis Ceze

Leveraging the VTA-TVM Hardware-Software Stack for FPGA Acceleration of 8-bit ResNet-18 Inference

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Discussion Comments: 0
Verification: Authors have not verified information

Optimizing Deep Learning Workloads on ARM GPU with TVM

Lanmin Zheng, Tianqi Chen

Optimizing Deep Learning Workloads on ARM GPU with TVM

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Discussion Comments: 0
Verification: Authors have not verified information

Multi-objective autotuning of MobileNets across the full software/hardware stack

Anton Lokhmotov, Nikolay Chunosov, Flavio Vella, Grigori Fursin

Multi-objective autotuning of MobileNets across the full software/hardware stack

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Discussion Comments: 0
Verification: Authors have not verified information

Highly Efficient 8-bit Low Precision Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks with IntelCaffe

Jiong Gong, Haihao Shen, Guoming Zhang, Xiaoli Liu, Shane Li, Ge Jin, Niharika Maheshwari, Evarist Fomenko, Eden Segal

Highly Efficient 8-bit Low Precision Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks with IntelCaffe

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Author Comments:
Discussion Comments: 0
Sharing: Research produced artifacts
Verification: Authors have verified information