ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2016

Article Details
Title: Weighted dynamic finger in binary search trees
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Authors: John Iacono
  • Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, 2 MetroTech Center 10FL, Brooklyn NY 11201, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium, Département d’Informatique
Stefan Langerman
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium, Département d’Informatique
Sharing: Unknown
Verification: Authors have not verified information
Artifact Evaluation Badge: none
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NSF Award Numbers: 1319648, 1533564, 1229185
DBLP Key: conf/soda/IaconoL16
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